Elementary school teachers are facing difficulties motivating students to learn effectively
and efficiently in the classroom. One way to solve the problem is by using gaming in the
classroom. This study investigates the use of games to motivate young learners in the
classroom. Thus, this study was conducted in a private school in North Lebanon. 37
participants of the same age group, from middle to low socio economic status were selected
to be part of the study. Their parents have a medium to a low level mastery of the English
language. Classes were taught using two different approaches: traditional and nontraditional.
Students were tested at the end of each lesson. Significant differences were
noticed in the test results. Using games inside a classroom showed a great motivation for
students to master the material being taught. The absence of gaming showed a negative
effect both on students’ grades and on students’ motivation. Although the findings are
significant, more research should be conducted to get more accurate results and be able to generalize the results.