In this thesis we tackle three problems related to System-on-Chip. The first problem deals
with test pattern generation. The purpose is to generate a set of test patterns that catch all
the faults in a core. The problem is solved using a dynamic ants based algorithm. The
second problem, deals with test scheduling for System-on-chip. The problem was to test
the cores of the SOC with minimum time, given a fixed allocated TAM and a given
power consumption for every core, and the following constraints, the instantaneous TAM
width and power consumption has a total maximum limit, the core are also ruled by
precedence and concurrency constraints. In this thesis we adapt a session less scheme to
minimize idle slots. Finally, the third problem that we solve is defined in a similar way to
the second problem, but with the difference that the allocated TAM width for each core is
not fixed and should be calculated efficiently. The last two problems are solved using the
simulated annealing technique. We present experimental results to compare our work to
other previous ones.