The layout of temporary facilities on a construction site is affected by changes in a construction schedule, including changes in activity duration, resource selection, and resource allocation levels. Conversely, changes in schedule may be enforced by limited space availability and site access. Such a bi-directional interaction between activity scheduling and layout construction defines the space scheduling task. This task is addressed by the MoveSchedule model that uses a partially automated heuristic solution procedure. MoveSchedule's conceptual design is presented here. The procedure constructs an activity schedule that satisfies spatial site constraints at any given time while keeping the project duration minimal, and resolves spatial conflicts by making space-time tradeoffs. Spatial conflicts are identified by the user who constructs the sequence of layouts spanning the entire project. An interactive layout construction interface, termed MovePlan, is used as a support tool to construct these layouts. The resulting model addresses some key aspects of the extremely complex space scheduling problem.
Zouein, P. P., & Tommelein, I. D. (1993). Space schedule construction. In Computing in civil and building engineering (pp. 1770-1777). ASCE.