In this paper, we propose an approach for weaving security concerns in the Gimple representation of programs. Gimple is an intermediate, language-independent, and tree-based representation generated by GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) during the compilation process. This proposition constitutes the first attempt towards adopting the aspect-oriented concept on Gimple and exploiting this intermediate representation to allow advising an application written in a specific language with security code written in a different one. At the same time, injecting security is applied in a systematic way in order not to alter the original functionalities of the software. We explore the viability and the relevance of our proposition by: (1) implementing several Gimple weaving capabilities into the GCC compiler (2) developing a case study for securing the connections of a client application and (3) using the weaving features of the extended GCC to inject the security concerns into the application.
Mourad, A., Alhadidi, D., & Debbabi, M. (2008). Towards Language-Independent Approach for Security Concerns Weaving. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2008) (pp. 460-465).