It is with such an approach in mind that I believe an important aspect of terrorism can be
fought. On the one hand, development bolsters people's aspirations and ambitions to establishing
a good life. Terrorism, on the other hand, is a lethal act only directed to death. This is a
conflicting picture that has been taking hold of the world for the past centuries. The following
study exposes several aspects of development explaining why it is a strategy to counter
terrorism. Specifically the thesis addresses the following question: Why has the United Nations
decided to broaden its spectrum o/Counter-Terrorism strategies to include development?
Mindful of the fact that development cannot eradicate terrorism but is a mean to inhibit this
phenomenon, it attributes a pivotal role to the United Nations in the fight against terrorism. This study will explicitly focus on the General Assembly's Global Strategy to counter
terrorism, and the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, representing the Security Council.
The main UN mechanism leading the fight against terrorism is represented by the GA and SC for
they reflect the wishes of the Member States' governments. Terrorism is not a simple community
problem that will be eradicated with policies of development. However the impact that
development may have through the coordination of efforts, both from the respective
governments and the UN, can be a major element in decreasing the number of terrorist clusters'
members and their radicalization.