Multimedia applications are migrating to IP networks imposing high challenges on network planners. Challenges arise due to the stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements of multimedia applications that cannot be met over enterprise IP networks unless advanced techniques and strategies are applied. Example techniques are traffic differentiation, capacity evaluation and reservation, and call admission control. In this work, we assume practical call admission control (CAC) schemes and study by simulations the distribution of traffic inside the network. We show how capacity needs of traffic are affected when various CAC schemes are employed. Finally, we identify a procedure to evaluate the link capacity share for realtime traffic and study the resulting tradeoff between capacity needs and QoS parameters such as packet loss and blocking probability.
Sharafeddine, S., Dawy, Z., & Beainy, A. (2008, March). Network provisioning over IP networks with call admission control schemes. In Computer Systems and Applications, 2008. AICCSA 2008. IEEE/ACS International Conference on (pp. 361-365). IEEE.