
Students reading and viewing the American novel in a university EFL/ESL context

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dc.contributor.author Bacha, Nahla Nola
dc.date.accessioned 2018-06-05T10:02:17Z
dc.date.available 2018-06-05T10:02:17Z
dc.date.copyright 2015 en_US
dc.date.issued 2018-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10725/8001
dc.description.abstract Research has indicated that ESL/EFL (nonnative students of English) students have difficulty in reading at the university as often times the requirements are long texts in which both cultural and linguistic factors impede their understanding and thus their motivation. This is especially the case in literature courses. It is the author’s view that if readings are selected according to the students’ interests and linguistic level, related to life situations and coupled with film study they will not only be motivated to read, but they will find reading interesting and exciting. They will view novels, and thus literature, as a picture of life. Students will also widen their vocabulary repertoire and overcome many of their linguistic problems. This study describes the procedure used in in a 20th Century American Novel class at one English medium university in Lebanon and explores students’ views on the novels assigned and their recommendations. Findings indicate that students significantly like to read novels, contrary to what some faculty claim and view the inclusion of novels as helping them with expanding their vocabulary repertoire and learning about real life which helps them linguistically, pedagogically, and above all personally during their life in and out of the university. Annotated texts, pictures and film will be used through technological aids to show how the class was conducted and how the students’ interacted with the novels assigned. Implications for teaching reading in the classroom are made. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Students reading and viewing the American novel in a university EFL/ESL context en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.description.version Published en_US
dc.title.subtitle a picture of real life en_US
dc.author.school SAS en_US
dc.author.idnumber 198790030 en_US
dc.author.department English en_US
dc.description.embargo N/A en_US
dc.relation.journal World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Cognitive and Language Sciences en_US
dc.journal.volume 9 en_US
dc.journal.issue 6 en_US
dc.keywords Language en_US
dc.keywords Literature en_US
dc.keywords Novels en_US
dc.keywords Reading en_US
dc.keywords University teaching en_US
dc.identifier.ctation Bacha, N. N. (2015). Students Reading and Viewing the American Novel in a University EFL/ESL Context: A Picture of Real Life. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Cognitive and Language Sciences, 9(6). en_US
dc.author.email nbacha@lau.edu.lb en_US
dc.identifier.tou http://libraries.lau.edu.lb/research/laur/terms-of-use/articles.php en_US
dc.identifier.url https://publications.waset.org/abstracts/31176/students-reading-and-viewing-the-american-novel-in-a-university-eflesl-context-a-picture-of-real-life en_US
dc.orcid.id https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1083-2818
dc.author.affiliation Lebanese American University en_US

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