Decision makers are key personnel working most of the time on critical duties. Information is the key to their success, and having the correct and up-to-date information is not an easy task; teamwork, where multiple parties have to work together is required. Though information is available everywhere in every action one may do during his/her daily life it has not yet been harvested as it should. Information in our approach is collected using a mobile device. Mobile devices are 90% of the time idle sitting in the pocket of its holder waiting for a call to take place or an SMS to be received. This 90% of the time is where this work focuses: monitoring GSM, Wi-Fi, GPS data and building a data warehouse. The data warehouse is the main source of information for decision makers, to succeed better in their daily tasks.
Oumoudian, O. R., & Haraty, R. A. (2012). MI: An Information Support System for Decision Makers. In Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (pp. 181-189). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.