This paper presents the ISSP system for activity scheduling and site layout planning under spatial constraints. The importance of tying schedule and layout data has been established and dealt with extensively in the literature. Many decision-support tools were developed to assist planners in space scheduling but these were limited to providing
the user with a platform that ties spatial and temporal data in the project and left it up to the user to decide on positions of resources and schedule adjustments to solve spatial conflicts that may arise in the process of constructing site layouts over time.The ISSP system, presented here, provides a graphical user-interactive interface with underlying layout and scheduling algorithms that construct feasible layout and schedule solutions under 2-dimensional spatial constraints between resources. The underlying algorithms optimize positions of resources by minimizing handling and rehandling costs of these on site. ISSP can also be integrated with existing scheduling and layout planning decisionsupport tools to enable users to override the system’s decisions to reach “usersatisfycing” solutions.
Zouein, P. P., & Shedid, D. (2002). ISSP: Integrated Schedule and Space Planner. In Proceedings of the CIB W78 Conference on Distributing Knowledge in Building, Aarhus, Denmark (pp. 75-83).