Database fragmentation allows reducing irrelevant data accesses by grouping data frequently accessed together in dedicated segments. In this paper, we address multimedia database fragmentation to take into account the rich characteristics of multimedia objects. We particularly discuss multimedia primary horizontal fragmentation and focus on semantic-based textual predicates implication required as a pre-process in current fragmentation algorithms in order to partition multimedia data efficiently. Identifying semantic implication between similar queries (if a user searches for the images containing a car, he would probably mean auto, vehicle, van or sport-car as well) will improve the fragmentation process. Making use of the neighborhood concept in knowledge bases to identify semantic implications constitutes the core of our proposal. A prototype has been implemented to evaluate the performance of our approach.
Getahun, F., Tekli, J., Atnafu, S., & Chbeir, R. (2007, September). The use of semantic-based predicates implication to improve horizontal multimedia database fragmentation. In Workshop on multimedia information retrieval on The many faces of multimedia semantics (pp. 29-38). ACM.