We present an automated temporal partitioning and loop transformation approach for developing dynamically reconfigurable designs starting from behavior level specifications. An Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model is formulated to achieve near-optimal latency designs. We, also present a loop restructuring method to achieve maximum throughput for a class of DSP applications. This restructuring transformation is performed on the temporally partitioned behavior and results in near-optimization of throughput. We discuss efficient memory mapping and address generation techniques for the synthesis of reconfigurable designs. A case study on the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image compression algorithm demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.
Kaul, M., Vemuri, R., Govindarajan, S., & Ouaiss, I. (1999). An automated temporal partitioning and loop fission approach for FPGA based reconfigurable synthesis of DSP applications. In Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 36th (pp. 616-622). IEEE.