For data intensive applications like Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition, memory reads and writes constitute a large portion of the total design execution time. With the advent of on-chip memories, a rich hierarchy of physical memories is now available on a Reconfigurable Computer (RC). An intelligent usage of these memories can lead to a significant improvement in the latency of the overall design. This paper presents an automated heuristic-based memory mapping framework for RCs. We use a Tabu search guided heuristic, Rectangle Carving, to map a single data structure onto several instances of a memory type on the RC. We also introduce control logic to resolve potential memory access conflicts and to make the details of memory mapping transparent to the accessing logic.
Kasat, A., Ouaiss, I., & Vemuri, R. (2001, August). Memory synthesis for FPGA-based Reconfigurable computers. In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (pp. 70-80). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.