
Palliative care research in Lebanon

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dc.contributor.author Deeb, Mary E.
dc.contributor.author Huijer, Huda Abu-Saad
dc.contributor.author Ghusn, Husam
dc.contributor.author Karam, George E.
dc.contributor.author Zeineddine, Salah
dc.date.accessioned 2016-11-24T10:33:24Z
dc.date.available 2016-11-24T10:33:24Z
dc.date.copyright 2013 en_US
dc.date.issued 2016-11-24
dc.identifier.issn 0023-9852 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10725/4852
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Palliative care research in Lebanon en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.description.version Published en_US
dc.author.school SOM en_US
dc.author.idnumber 200900035 en_US
dc.author.department N/A en_US
dc.description.embargo N/A en_US
dc.relation.journal The Lebanese Medical Journal en_US
dc.journal.volume 61 en_US
dc.journal.issue 4 en_US
dc.article.pages 204-209 en_US
dc.keywords Palliative care en_US
dc.keywords Research en_US
dc.keywords Lebanon en_US
dc.identifier.doi http://dx.doi.org/10.12816/0001460 en_US
dc.identifier.ctation Huijer, H. A. S., Ghusn, H., Zeineldine, S., Deeb, M. E., & Karam, G. E. (2013). Palliative Care Research in Lebanon. Lebanese Medical Journal, 61(4), 204-209. en_US
dc.author.email mary.deeb@lau.edu.lb en_US
dc.identifier.tou http://libraries.lau.edu.lb/research/laur/terms-of-use/articles.php en_US
dc.identifier.url http://www.lebanesemedicaljournal.org/lmj/2014/04/30/1151/ en_US
dc.author.affiliation Lebanese American University en_US

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