Melorheostosis is a rare bone dysplasia, exceptionally described in childhood. It has been discovered in a 12-year-old boy who had a hemimelic affection associated with strawberry skin marks. A 25 mm inequality of length of the lower limbs and a valgus deformation of the ankle resulting in a claudication and gonalgia requiring surgical correction. A reaxation and a progressive lengthening with the llizarov apparatus has been performed. Non-consolidation and a secondary bone infection led to the necessity of formation of a soleus flap. Consolidation and healing were finally obtained.
In addition to vascular complications to be feared in this disease during surgical treatment, we have to take into consideration the absence of consolidation when the osteotomy is not performed on a safe bone.
Griffet, J., El Hayek, T., & Giboin, P. (1998). Melorheostosis: Complications of a Tibial Lengthening with the llizarov Apparatus. European journal of pediatric surgery, 8(03), 186-189.