Over the past two decades, a lot of interest has been given to the notion of emotional intelligence and its outcome in general, and more specifically, in the academic field. Many studies are linking it to customer satisfaction which is also becoming a prior concern of marketers. This paper highlights what is emotional intelligence, what are the different models of emotional intelligence, the link between emotional intelligence and education, and how having teachers with high emotional intelligence will lead to high emotional intelligence students and high customer satisfaction. This paper also discusses group work activities, and how it enhances the emotional intelligence of students and their satisfaction. The study is conducted using a well-known instrument, the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) to measure emotional intelligence, and to identify changes in the emotional intelligence of students before group work and after group work.
Majdalani, J. F., & Maamari, B. E. (2016). Emotional intelligence, a tool for customer satisfaction. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 9(3), 275-283.