The purpose of this case study was to determine the effectiveness of a combined intervention in remediating the social skills in a first-grader with a disorder from the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The researcher also aimed to identify the changes observed during the intervention period. The combined intervention consisted of reading personalized Social Stories that targeted specific social skills and peer mediated intervention. The intervention took place for a period of eight weeks. In order to determine the effectiveness of the intervention, the researcher compared the teachers' ratings on the Social Behaviour Assessment Inventory (SBAI) (Stephens, 1992), data gathered from the Conditional Probability Record (Steege, & Watson, 2009), and informal interviews conducted with the teachers and mother before and after intervention. The results showed that the combined intervention did improve the targeted social skills; there was an increase in target behaviours post intervention and a minimal improvement in the rating scales. Based on the results, implications and recommendations for future research were drawn.