This article shows the importance of thermal convection caused by fluid circulation through the fractures in rock masses. Expressions for the different heat transfer terms at the discontinuities, either between the fluid and the rock or within the fluid itself, are given. Including this phenomenon in a modelling process led us to propose a development of the UDEC code. The computational algorithm is based on the differences between the rates of convective and conductive heat transfers.
The results obtained, using a simple model representing two blocks separated by a horizontal fracture, suggest that the convection phenomenon should not be neglected in modelling thermal flow in fractured rock masses. Convection is sensitive to the hydraulic aperture (pore fraction) of the fracture, the circulation velocity and the viscosity of the fluid. Comparison with another finite difference code has given satisfactory results.
Abdallah, G., Thoraval, A., Sfeir, A., & Piguet, J. P. (1995, July). Thermal convection of fluid in fractured media. In International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts (Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 481-490). Pergamon.