During the past decade, educators as well as researchers have been gi ving more focus and attention to the use of new techniques in teaching that are responsive for developing wellrounded
individuals and productive citizens. The aim of this paper is to show the effect of
integration on student's achievement, atti tude, working habit etc. Moreover, this paper focuses on learning processes, the fragmented curri culum and its benefits as well as
drawbacks. This study provides a detailed literature review for the usage of the integrated
curriculum with its different types, characteri stics, principal's role, traditional ways of
teaching and assessment. It tends to encourage the usage of integration at the elementary level. Three methods were used to compare the difference in teaching between
integration and fragmentation. Interviews were conducted with three professional
teachers from different schools, Questionnaires were di stributed to 20 teachers in two
schools, and fin ally a book written by Suzan Drake about integration and the
implementation of this technique was analyzed thoroughly. Thl'oughout the study, the
researcher found that though the integrated approach has positive effect on the performance level, at the same time it is a costly and a complex process. This study was designed to improve the learning of the students and their level of understanding. Such
teaching method makes learning fun and more active.