The importance of the writing skill in the varIOus life fields and the difficulty of its
acquisition call the English as Second language teachers (ESL) teachers to be aware of the
feedback strategies they adopt in their response to their students' writing. The feedback
strategies implemented in classrooms may help in facilitating the students' acquisition of the
writing skill.
This project embodies a comprehensive study about the feedback strategies that are usually implemented in ESL classrooms. It sheds light on the various feedback strategies that may help in enhancing the students' writing skill. Besides, the study also emphasizes the
importance of the affective factor in the teaching process. The students' motivation and
interest may help them to be more on task; consequently, their motivation may enhance their
writing perfonnance.
This study is conducted to equip novice as well as experienced ESL teachers of cycles two and three with various helpful feedback strategies. It consists of a comprehensive literature
review that includes detailed explanation of many feedback strategies that may help teachers improve their teaching practices in order to enhance the students' writing skill. Moreover, it
provides teachers with detailed notes about which feedback strategies to implement in the
various stages of the writing process.