The optimal regression testing problem is one of determining the minimum number of test cases needed
for revalidating modified software in the maintenance phase. We present two natural optimization
algorithms, namely, a simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm, for solving this problem. The
algorithms are based on an integer programming problem formulation and the program’s control flow
graph. The main advantage of these algorithms, in comparison with exact algorithms, is that they do not
suffer from an exponential explosion for realistic program sizes. The experimental results, which include
a comparison with previous algorithms, show that the simulated annealing and genetic algorithms find
the optimal or near-optimal number of retests within a reasonable time. Copyright 1999 John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.
Mansour, N., & El-Fakih, K. (1999). Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for optimal regression testing. Journal of Software Maintenance, 11(1), 19-34.