A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is an alarm system for networks. NIDS monitors all network actions and generates alarms when it detects suspicious or malicious attempts. A false positive alarm is generated when the NIDS misclassifies a normal action in the network as an attack. We present a data mining technique to assist network administrators to analyze and reduce false positive alarms that are produced by a NIDS. Our data mining technique is based on a Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM) that adjusts its architecture during an unsupervised training process according to the characteristics of the input alarm data. GHSOM clusters these alarms in a way that supports network administrators in making decisions about true and false alarms. Our empirical results show that our technique is effective for real-world intrusion data.
Mansour, N., Chehab, M. I., & Faour, A. (2010). Filtering intrusion detection alarms. Cluster Computing, 13(1), 19-29.