The purpose of this study was to present the Infomation Literacy Library Program being implemented at a school in Beirut, to evaluate its effectiveness in
helping students leam to use infomation literacy skills and to formulate recommendations for improving school library programs. This was done through examining the components of the role of the school library and the librarians, in
addition to examining teachers' and students' perception of this role. The sample
consisted of all the female and male classroom and specialist teachers of grade 2 and
grade 4 elementary levels, 18 parents, and 18 students from both grade levels as well
as the librarian and the assistant librarian. The instruments used were 1) closed-itemed teachers' questionnaires, 2) semi-structured interviews with the librarian and
assistant librarian, 3) phone interviews with parents and 4) observations of student librarian
and teacher-librarian interactions during library class sessions.
The results of the study showed the importance of the school library in
developing children's literacy skills. The friendly, respectful relationship between the
librarian and teachers, the director's support and collaboration with teachers help the librarian promote literacy skills in her school. The results also showed that the
school library media program motivates students to read through various library
activities. The librarian's method of providing instruction as well as her positive
attitudes towards the students enhance the lessons and help students leam the necessary infonnation literacy skills easily.
On the other hand, the results from the observation sessions showed little interaction between the teachers and the librarian. The parents' interviews revealed that most of the parents are not aware of the library media program at their children's school.