Studies have indicated that EFL students have difficulties in coping with the writing assignments in their
university courses. Although studies in Writing across the Discipline and English for Academic Purposes have
been helpful in this regard, little research has been done from the disciplinary teachers' perspective. This paper
reports on a comparative needs analysis study at one English medium university in Lebanon through a survey of
disciplinary teacher and student perceptions on the type of writing assignments students do in their university
courses, students' language problems and proficiency levels and the sources that help with developing
disciplinary writing. Findings show that teachers and students perceive research reports and lecture note-taking
done most frequently, teachers perceive less improvement in students' writing over a semester than students do,
identify more problems in student disciplinary writing, identify English teachers as the main source of help, but
importantly, both teachers and students agree to collaboration between disciplinary and English teachers in
raising students' disciplinary writing level. Student and teacher views diverged more than those of students in the
disciplines. Implications and recommendations are made for EFL contexts.
Bacha, N. N. (2012). Disciplinary writing in an EFL context from teachers’ and students’ perspectives. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(2), 233-256.