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SoAS - Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

  • Ghandour, Gida Maher (Lebanese American University, 2015-10-21)
    In recent years, scholarship on political Islam has shifted from exploring the compatibility between Islam and democracy towards more empirical studies revolving around the democratic commitments of Islamists. The moderation ...
  • Verheij, Renko (Lebanese American University, 2016-02-02)
    This thesis aims to contribute to the ongoing debate about Lebanon’s constitutional design. By taking liberal consociational theory as a starting point, it explores where the present power-sharing system deviates from what ...
  • Shatila, Diana (Lebanese American University, 2016-02-02)
    Curriculum coherence is defined in the literature as the alignment among the three different aspects of the curriculum: the intended, the implemented, and the attained. The aim of this study was to the investigate the ...
  • Farraj, Rebecka Naim (Lebanese American University, 2016-02-02)
    In 1948, Palestinians were dispersed after Al-Nakba in different regions around the world. Their status as being refugees, diasporas, or even citizens has become dependent to the country they reached, the hostland, after ...
  • Sanadiki, Hiba (Lebanese American University, 2016-01-28)
    In this thesis, we detect attacks targeting the cluster based QOLSR model in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). The QOLSR is a multimedia protocol that was designed on top of the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR), where ...
  • Naboulsi, Ziad Assem (Lebanese American University, 2016-01-28)
    In the aftermath of the January 2011 popular uprising, the most powerful challenge to the Egyptian regime’s authoritarian control over public space came from a nonpolitical group: the Ultras. Their substantial pre-uprising ...
  • Adra, Kinda (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-13)
    Language in all its elements creates social bonds among people to nurture and nourish our minds and souls. Gossip is regularly identified as a negative element of speech, and people who gossip are considered empty headed ...
  • Tarraf, Giorgio Guy R. (Lebanese American University, 2015-02-11)
    This thesis advances an explanation of the failure of the Lebanese state to control, properly urbanize and suitably develop its capital city, Beirut. It draws from various disciplines – including history, architecture, ...
  • Hayek, Carel Claude El- (Lebanese American University, 2015-02-11)
    The Middle East is currently witnessing the return of the Russian Federation as a major power after years of decline. Russia today has done a great comeback regionally and internationally. It has played a great role in the ...
  • Karabibar, Bassem (Lebanese American University, 2015-02-11)
    As domestic, regional, and international parties struggle to win the battle over Syria, a protracted conflict emerges without a revolutionary prospect. This thesis, examines different post-conflict mitigation propositions ...
  • Tabbara, Bann (Lebanese American University, 2015-02-11)
    The Arab Spring demonstrated that authoritarian regimes in the region are not immune to violent breakdown. Oppressed citizens are looking for the establishment of democratic political systems to replace authoritarian rule. ...
  • Kanaan, Joseph (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-06)
    This thesis describes the new approach to the Arab Uprising through the case of Libya and the international intervention that had taken place. It entertains competing propositions and implements a rational choice analysis ...
  • Medawar, Mohammad Kamal El (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-06)
    Portfolio optimization is the problem of allocating capital over different assets in order to maximize the return on the investment and/or minimize its risk, which has been a major concern for investors throughout the ...
  • Gharib, Mohamad Khalil (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-06)
    This is a study of one Islamic party: Hizbut-Tahrir, Wilayat Lubnan (hereafter Hizbut-Tahrir). It aims to shed light on the history, ideology, and recent stances of this important, albeit little researched, player. Founded ...
  • Bouchebel, Michelle (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-05)
    The Power of Silence: Impunity and Accountability in Lebanon by Michelle Bouchebel explores the extent to which transitional justice mechanisms could help to strengthen accountability and the rule of law in Lebanon and ...
  • Najm, Paul I. (Lebanese American University, 2015-02-11)
    Daucus carota ssp. carota, known as wild carrot, is a member of the family Umbelliferae (Apiacae), and commonly used in the folklore medicine in Lebanon to treat several diseases including cancer. Its oil extract and ...
  • Bayoud, Karim Joseph (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-05)
    The Arab Spring swept in 2011 igniting a process of regime change after decades of dictatorship and authoritarian rule. The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt were relatively swift and painless and did not require humanitarian ...
  • Awada, Fatima (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-05)
    Stakeholders and accreditation agencies exert pressure on higher education institutions to provide evidence for students’ learning; employers demand in their employees skills other than those learned in certain specialty ...
  • Jebbaoui, Hussein M. (Lebanese American University, 2016-04-27)
    Policy-based computing is taking an increasing role in governing the systematic interaction among distributed cloud and Web services. XACML has been known as the de facto standard widely used by many vendors for specifying ...
  • Haboush, Natalie Takouhie Wissam (Lebanese American University, 2016-05-05)
    What explains American foreign policy in the Arab World? What does the US reaction to the Arab Spring tell us about Washington’s presumed determination to promote democracy in the Arab world? This thesis operationalizes ...

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