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SoAS - Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

  • Breau, Maya (Lebanese American University, 2019-11-21)
    Corporate consociationalism may drive actors to exploit political opportunities to consolidate their predominance. Lebanon’s corporate arrangement has provided a fertile ground for Hezbollah to expand its influence through ...
  • Abdul Rahim, Rana (Lebanese American University, 2019-11-21)
    With the increased emphasis among experts in the field of extractive industries on the role of civil society in the oil and gas sector of Lebanon and with the emergence of a specialized Lebanese civil society, this thesis ...
  • Moussa, Jennifer J. (Lebanese American University, 2019-11-06)
    The extensive use of antibiotics led to the rise and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. One of the most important factors facilitating the spread of resistance determinants is mobile genetic elements. Understanding ...
  • Merhi, Georgi S. (Lebanese American University, 2019-11-06)
    Enterobacter cloacae complex (ECC) members and Klebsiella aerogenes belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae and are known as Gram-negative, rod-shaped, opportunistic pathogens. They are commonly notorious for causing ...
  • Mohamad, Maya Riad (Lebanese American University, 2019-11-06)
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer characterized by the formation of faulty myelogenous cells with morphological heterogeneity and cytogenic aberrations leading to a total loss of their function. In the midst ...
  • Affeich, Andrée (École doctorale Lettres, langues, linguistique, arts (Lyon), 2019-10-15)
    Ce travail de recherche mené sur un corpus qui rassemble onze pays arabes, vise à soulever une problématique liée à la rupture et à la continuité au sein de la terminologie arabe d’Internet, terminologie créée dans le monde ...
  • Maalouf, Wahib (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-23)
    Migration has been impacting political elite formation in Lebanon since the 1930s, yet its role in that matter remained understudied. The main reason behind this is the relative prevalence in elite studies of “methodological ...
  • Maamary, Nicole Georges (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-23)
    International migration is attracting increasing attention among governments and hometown associations in particular because of the positive implications it can generate on the development of both sending and receiving ...
  • Avdanian, Hrag Toros (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-23)
    This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on ethnic identity. Despite many attempts by Turkey’s ruling party and most local and international media outlets to confine the newly established Peoples’ Democratic Party ...
  • Amer, Diana (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-23)
    The incorporation of the twenty- first century skills in education is highly needed. Yet, sometimes teachers’ practices and the challenges they face in classes limit their incorporation. This study investigates the ...
  • Arayssi, Sabine Imad (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-23)
    Teachers as practitioner researchers are marginalized in educational institutions since teachers are being subjugated by overwhelming obligations and standards which hinders their autonomy and transparency in voicing out ...
  • El-Sayegh, Nour Adel (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-17)
    Education is facing, in the 21st century, various global challenges such as climate change and pollution. Solutions to these problems require the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). ...
  • Arab, Lara Al (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-17)
    It is generally accepted that the educational system of universities has to provide an academic environment that is beneficial to graduate students to meet the challenges of the workplace. The aim of this study was to ...
  • Abi Rafeh, Rami Amin (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-17)
    The topic of emigration has always been a unique aspect of the Lebanese society and has been extensively covered by academics. However, no research has examined return migrants, in particular, the role of migration ...
  • Hamadeh, Wissam (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-17)
    While the concept of utilizing technology in educational settings is nothing new, the technology being applied normally serves one function and is solely educational in purpose. Given that students today are just as modern ...
  • Chahine, Bachir (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-17)
    We launch a study on the dynamic form of the graph coloring problem proving it to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the edit-parameter. This leads us to present a new turbo-charged heuristic for the problem ...
  • Mazloum, Hamza Sobhi (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-16)
    An industry that is more than a hundred years old, commercial aviation first started in 1914 when the first scheduled revenue flight was operated. Commercial aviation currently carries more than four billion passengers ...
  • Maalouf, Nicholas (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-16)
    The Palestinian-Israeli conflict dates back to 1882 with the first Jewish immigration to Palestine and its intensification in the 1900s. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict eventually escalated and expanded to include other ...
  • Moussa, Rebecca (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-16)
    Software systems are becoming more and more complex. With the increasing size and complexity of software systems, it is becoming more challenging to assess their quality. There are several attributes that de ne software ...
  • Tay, Bilal M. (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-16)
    Companies, nowadays, rely on systems and applications to automate their business processes and data management. In this context, the notion of integrating machine learning techniques in banking business processes has ...

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