This article discusses Henry van de Velde's unpublished Manuscript on Ornament, which I have reassembled from various fragments in his archives. 1
Henry van de Velde is known principally for his role in the development ...
The unhistorical (the power to forget) and the super-historical (art and religion) are the natural antidotes against the overpowering of life by history; they are the cures for the historical disease. We who are sick of ...
The reconstruction of Beirut, which has been largely focused on the center of the city, is a matter on which a lot of ink has been spilled. Politicians, urban planners, architects and citizens, have been engaged in this ...
In this paper, I will discuss the results of the international competition that was organized in the spring of 1994, to redesign the souks of Beirut. This competition, which attracted more than 300 entries from around the ...
Henry van de Velde's intellectual relation to Nietzsche constitutes one of the interesting episodes in the early developments of Modernism in architecture. On the basic level, it opens the question of the influence of a ...
In a short article presented at a conference in New York City two years ago, Joan Ockman lucidly diagnosed the contemporary dilemma faced by architecture, i.e. how to insert itself between a pessimistic discourse that warns ...
This paper will discuss the developments in architecture in Lebanon in the second half of the Twentieth century. Lebanon presents one of the interesting ‘laboratories' of the different tendencies and movements of this ...
Khoury, Melissa Plourde; Khoury, Tarek E.(Korean Society of Design Science, 2009)
Numerous questions arise from the topic of writing and research for graphic design. For example: Why do graphic designers often not learn to research and write for design until studying at the Masters or even the PhD level? ...
This study deals with storage jars/amphorae from the Late Roman and Byzantine periods found in the salvage excavations at the site of Horbat Castra, located at the foot of the Carmel Ridge across from Kfar Samir. The ...
The history of Post-Modern Architecture was to a large extent tied to the name of Charles Jencks, who played an operative role in promoting the movement, much like his predecessor Sigfried Giedion had done for Modern ...
The historie center of Beirut was subjected after the war to
a complete renovation under the aegis of a real-estate company, named Solidere. This model had sorne positive aspects, such as the preservation of certain parts ...
Haddad, Elie G.; Abdel Fattah, Mohsen(European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2010)
Bahariya Formation in Western Desert Egypt is one of the major complex oil bearing reservoirs in<br>Egypt. Many discoveries have revealed the high oil potentialities of this formation.<br>Detailed sedimentological ...
Haddad, Elie G.; Abuelfotoh, Ahmed M.(European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2010-03)
The Formation Micro Imager tool provides high resolution electrical images, which is capable of<br>detecting any features within the studied formation. In majority of cases, FMI can replace an expensive<br>coring cost ...
This paper will examine the theoretical work of one of the major proponents of a phenomenological approach in architecture, the historian-theoretician Christian Norberg-Schulz, examining the development of his ideas across ...
This is a compelling compilation of essays by international architectural theorists on the relationship of violence to space. With the events of September 11th, the London bombings, the Madrid train explosions, and the ...
The visual communication of word, meaning and content too often is overlooked in graphic design studies. Graphic design students commonly create designs in which content plays a secondary role while emphasis is placed upon ...
Abdel Baki, Randa(Industrial Design Centre, 2013-03)
This presentation focuses on the process of designing and coupling experimental display typeface in Latin and Arabic. As the two scripts are in opposite directions, and the glyphs are different in many aspects, it is vital ...
This paper identifies and analyzes the challenges of bilingual design layout systems in Beirut. With the rapid spread of globalization, English and Arabic often enter the public realm together. As the design industry also ...