
Browsing Adnan Kassar School of Business by Title

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Browsing Adnan Kassar School of Business by Title

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  • Ramadan, Zahy (2018-11-29)
    Purpose China is establishing a social credit rating system with the aim to score the trust level of citizens. The scores will be based on an integrated database that includes a vast range of information sources, rating ...
  • Habre, S. S.; El-Kassar, A. N.; Awad, Y. A. (2015-09-15)
    Let S = {x1, x2, ..., xn} be a set of n distinct positive integers. The matrix [S] = (sij) having the greatest common divisor (xi, xj) of xi and xj as its i, j-entry is called the greatest common divisor (GCD) matrix on ...
  • Ismail, Hussein N.; Nakkache, Lama (2017-09-28)
    The existence of gender inequality at the workplace is a pervasive problem in many countries around the world. Although the situation may have improved in recent years, studies still point to the fact that men receive ...
  • Al-Shaer, Habiba; Harakeh, Mostafa (2020-01-13)
    We exploit the effectiveness of the Davies Report (2011), which urged FTSE 350 companies to increase female representation on corporate boards to examine the potential effect that this may have on the gender pay differential ...
  • Ismail, Hussein (2017-09-28)
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore gender differences in personal values in an Arab country. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a sample of 137 participants, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to ...
  • Dah, Abdallah; Abosedra, Salah; Dahbourah, Farouk (2016-05-19)
    The factors relating to gender pay inequity have been studied extensively in the economics literature. This study examines the earnings differential between males and females in Lebanon utilizing a random sample that ...
  • Karkoulian, Silva; Srour, Jordan; Sinan, Tala (2016-10-26)
    Given the crucial role that work-life balance plays in the well-being of employees, the literature devotes extensive research efforts towards determining the effect of different variables on the quality of work-life balance ...
  • El-Kassar, A. M. (University of Southwestern Louisiana, 2017-07-03)
    One of the most researched functions of number theory is the Euler -function, or totient function. The number (n) yields the cardinality of the group of unit of the ring module n, and depends on the canonical decomposition ...
  • Aad, Samar; Hardey, Mariann (2024-09-09)
    Purpose Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) has seen exponential growth in recent years due to its capability to generate original content through natural language processing and comprehensive language models. This ...
  • Kouatli, Issam (IEEE, 2017-11-10)
    Integration of fuzzy systems with genetic algorithm has been identified by researchers as a useful technique of optimizing systems under uncertainty. This integration is usually referred to as Genetic Fuzzy systems (GFS) ...
  • Kouatli, Issam (2016-05-06)
    Cloud computing is a new structure of information technology that is becoming the main part of the new model of business environment. Cloud services provide easy, quick and scalable business setting and development across ...
  • El Kallab, Tania (2017-09-05)
    Three facts have characterized the pre-crisis debates in macroeconomics: the increase in the US current account de cit, the decline in interest rates and the increase in the share of US assets in global portfolios. ...
  • Abou Mosleh, Anwar (2011-05-18)
  • Jurdi, Aline El (Lebanese American University, 2019-04-16)
    Geographical indications and trademarks have always been at the heart of debates, knowing that the numerous countries implicated espouse diverse laws concerning that matter. The protection of these assets is a fundamental ...
  • Manassian, Armond (2017-11-01)
    The study of international accounting is increasingin importance because of its ramifications uponbusiness practices world-wide. Internationalaccounting is inextricably linked to the globalizationmovement that is sweeping ...
  • Arayssi, Mahmoud; ElFakhani, Said; Smahta, Hanin (2016-05-20)
    This study builds on the MBA project work of one of the authors, Hanin A. Smahta, and the supervisory work of the first two authors. All authors were affiliated with the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business at the American ...
  • Dah, Mustafa A. (2016-11-25)
    This paper examines the relationship between the firm's governance structure and its value during different economic conditions. We show that both relative industry turnover and CEO entrenchment increase during economic ...
  • Arayssi, Mahmoud; Fakih, Ali; Kassem, Mohamad (2019-06-13)
    This article aims to examine the causal impact of the Arab Spring (AS) and government institutions on the finance–growth nexus. The empirical analysis is implemented for extensive firm-level panel data combined with national ...
  • El-Kassar, A. N.; Habre, S. S.; Awad, Y. A. (2016-12-08)
    Let T be a set of n distinct positive integers, x1, x2, ..., xn. The n×n matrix [T] having (xi , xj), the greatest common divisor of xi and xj , as its (i,j)-entry is called the greatest common divisor (GCD) matrix ...

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