
Modeling and mathematical analysis of models in oceanography

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dc.contributor.author Lteif, Ralph
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-19T14:01:16Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-19T14:01:16Z
dc.date.copyright 2016 en_US
dc.date.issued 2018-01-10
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10725/16619
dc.description.abstract This thesis is dedicated to the modeling and the mathematical analysis of asymptotic models used in oceanography describing the propagation of internal waves at the interface between two layers of fluids of different densities, under the only influence of gravity.We aim here at constructing and justifying new asymptotic models taking into account variable topography. To this end, we assume several smallness assumptions on the depth of the water and on the deformations at the interface and at the bottom. We are interested in two topographic regimes, one for variations of medium amplitude and one for slow variations with large amplitude.In the first part of this thesis we rigorously justify and mathematically study (existence, uniqueness, stability and convergence of the solution) two classes of asymptotic models. A class of coupled models and a class of scalar models. The latter class is characterized by the description of the propagation of unidirectional internal waves. In the second part we propose a numerical resolution for the coupled asymptotic model derived in the first part restricted to the flat bottom case. This existing model in the literature has been rewritten under a new formulation more suitable for numericalresolution with the same order of precision as the standard one but with improved frequency dispersion. Finally, we present several numerical simulations to validate our scheme. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.language.iso fr
dc.subject Mathematical models en_US
dc.title Modeling and mathematical analysis of models in oceanography en_US
dc.title Modélisation et analyse mathématique de modèles en océanographie en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.term.submitted Fall en_US
dc.author.degree PHD en_US
dc.author.school SoAS en_US
dc.author.idnumber 201801894 en_US
dc.author.department Computer Science and Mathematics en_US
dc.author.advisor Gerbi, Stéphane
dc.author.advisor Talhouk, Raafat
dc.keywords Internal waves en_US
dc.keywords Variable topography en_US
dc.keywords Numerical simulations en_US
dc.keywords Asymptotic models en_US
dc.keywords Scalar models en_US
dc.keywords Unidirectional approximation en_US
dc.description.bibliographiccitations Includes bibliographical references. en_US
dc.identifier.ctation Lteif, R. (2016). Modeling and mathematical analysis of models in oceanography (Doctoral dissertation, Université Grenoble Alpes; École doctorale des Sciences et de Technologie (Beyrouth)). en_US
dc.author.email ralph.lteif@lau.edu.lb en_US
dc.identifier.tou http://libraries.lau.edu.lb/research/laur/terms-of-use/articles.php en_US
dc.identifier.url https://theses.hal.science/tel-01679716v1 en_US
dc.orcid.id https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6356-7512 en_US
dc.publisher.institution Université Grenoble Alpes ; École doctorale des Sciences et de Technologie (Beyrouth) en_US
dc.author.affiliation Lebanese American University en_US

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