The flipped classroom approach or model is a blended method of teaching that has gained a lot of popularity lately. The idea of the flipped classroom approach is old, but its application is fairly new. The aim of this paper is to test the effect of the implementation of the flipped classroom model in Lebanon post the COVID -19 period on fourth graders’ motivation level and academic achievement in comparison with the traditional approach. A quasi-experimental mixed method approach was conducted once a week over a whole semester in a private school in the city of Beirut. A grade four class was sampled, and 12 students participated in the study. In order to ensure the validity and reliability of the study, triangulation was used in data collection and analysis. Questionnaires, pre and posttests, interviews, and reflections were used for data collection. the research questions. The interviews were compiled, transcribed, and interpreted. The compiled results showed some considerable differences confirming the hypothesis proposed that the implementation of the flipped classroom model in fourth grade after the COVID-19 lockdown in Lebanon is not as effective on students’ motivational and academic achievement levels as the traditional classroom would be. It is recommended that future research studies the effect of this approach on students in upper elementary grades and once the COVID situation settles down.