
Prenatal gene therapy

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dc.contributor.editor Coutelle, Charles
dc.contributor.editor Waddington, Simon N.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-05-02T12:09:59Z
dc.date.available 2019-05-02T12:09:59Z
dc.date.copyright 2012 en_US
dc.date.issued 2019-05-02
dc.identifier.isbn 978-1-61779-873-3 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10725/10522
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Humana Press en_US
dc.title Prenatal gene therapy en_US
dc.type Book / Chapter of a Book en_US
dc.author.school SOM en_US
dc.author.idnumber 200902740 en_US
dc.author.department N/A en_US
dc.description.bibliographiccitations Includes bibliograohical references en_US
dc.identifier.doi https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-61779-873-3_14 en_US
dc.identifier.ctation Mehta, V., Abi-Nader, K. N., Carr, D., Wallace, J., Coutelle, C., Waddington, S. N., ... & David, A. L. (2012). Monitoring for potential adverse effects of prenatal gene therapy: use of large animal models with relevance to human application. In Prenatal Gene Therapy (pp. 291-328). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. en_US
dc.chapter.author Abi-Nader, Khalil N.
dc.chapter.author Mehta, Vedanta
dc.chapter.author Carr, David
dc.chapter.author Wallace, Jacqueline
dc.chapter.author Coutelle, Charles
dc.chapter.author Waddington, Simon N.
dc.author.email khalil.abinader@lau.edu.lb en_US
dc.chapter.pages 291-328 en_US
dc.chapter.title Monitoring for potential adverse effects of prenatal gene therapy: use of large animal models with relevance to human application en_US
dc.identifier.tou http://libraries.lau.edu.lb/research/laur/terms-of-use/articles.php en_US
dc.identifier.url https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-61779-873-3_14 en_US
dc.author.affiliation Lebanese American University en_US

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