A study of published crystal structures (of O-acetylated sugars for the most part) suggests that the exocyclic C−O bond in acetate esters of cyclic alcohols intrinsically prefers a staggered conformation, although the eclipsed conformation is only slightly less stable. When the acetate is flanked by two equatorial substituents the preferred conformation is close to eclipsed. Over 1500 C−OAc bonds have been analyzed. Diagnostic NMR criteria for torsion angles and MM3 calculations are reported and confirm these conclusions
González-Outeiriño, J., Nasser, R., & Anderson, J. E. (2005). Conformation of Acetate Derivatives of Sugars and Other Cyclic Alcohols. Crystal Structures, NMR Studies, and Molecular Mechanics Calculations of Acetates. When Is the Exocyclic C− O Bond Eclipsed?. The Journal of organic chemistry, 70(7), 2486-2493.